Hello world!

6 Dec

After Multiple requests for a Blog I am trying to move into the E Journal Decade, I have kept a hand written journal for years but this is a little different for me.

Ok Here goes let me give you a little back history…

I was Born On September 11th 1974 a Normal seemingly healthy baby girl, but I started staying sick so much so I was terrified of doctors. Finally one day when I was three years old I had gotten used to my primary doctor and I didn’t scream that day during a check up and he was able to get a clear hearing of my heart.

He heard the murmur and referred me immidietly to a cardiologist I had a Heart cath and it was determined I had been born With a Vsd (Ventricular sepitical defect) basically a hole in the heart and because it had went undiagnosed and uncorrected it had caused severe pulmonary hypertension and had damaged my lungs their was not fixing it at this state. Their was nothing they could do I was given to the age of ten to live.

Well I obviously made it past that to make a very long story short I got through it and did very well considering my problems o2 stats in the 80’s on rest and 60’s with exertion, but my body adapted and I learned what I could do and not do.

I did pretty good all through my teens and twenties had bouts with coughing up blood had two failed pregnancy’s but was managed, in my early twenties the hypertension was getting so bad it was affecting my pulmonary artery and weakening the sides I started developing an anyourismon my pulimanry valve.

The only option was a Heart and double lung Transplant and i was not ready for that according to the doctors we would just watch it but their was always the chance of rupture. It was monitored for the next six years and grew but very slowly.

On one particular visit on November of 2003 I was having my semi-annual echo to measure the anyuerism and the tech i knew her well so when she measured it she said Donna I think it has gotten bigger so I asked her what it was measuring because I knew the size last time it was 6.8 centimeters and she said its 8.5 I knew then oh my god I knew what was coming and I was terrified it had grown so fast since last visit.

She went out to talk to the doctor and then she poked her head back in and said Donna he said “Jesus Christ when I told him” I said ok and was just kinda in shock.

My cardiologist come in the same one i had had for over 10 years since I had become an adult, and he has this look of pure sorry on his face and he said Donna its bad. I said I know what now? He said well first we have to get an immediate mri to meausre exact size and to see if their is any leaks and then we have to get you listed for transplant its your only option.

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